What a weekend we have coming up! In addition to Bert Kronnick's FREE fishing gear appraisal clinic (see more below!), this Saturday Mike Doyle of Doyle Guitars will be here from 11 - 3 for a meet & greet with his Cigar Box Guitar fans and friends. Come join us and meet Mike and hear how these Cigar Box Guitars & Uke's really sound! With both electric & acoustic, Mike has a great variety of shapes and sounds. His newest piece is a stunning piece of art and a slide guitar as well!
I think this is my new favorite ... it is the center one in the photo below. My little camera didn't do it justice, but the craftsmanship on the neck is an art form in itself. This belongs hanging on the wall next to a great old photo and some framed sheet music.
Above is another image of the Great One...
Check out more images of Mike's great Cigar Box
Guitars below, then come see them for yourself.
Here is a photo of the Uke corner...
Finished with those cigars? Time to
make a little music! Bring the box to Mike and he will craft a one of a kind masterpiece for you!
Yea! That is an Elvis Uke! Once home to a puzzle, now time to play!
What does this all have to do with fishing reels?
From 11 am to 3 pm, Bert Kronnick will be conducting a FREE Appraisal Clinic for vintage fishing gear. Bring that old fishing pole that's been sitting out in the garage all these years collecting dust and see if it might be worth moving to the inside closet!
Bert has a fantastic display of vintage reels and fishing accessories. He would love to show them off and explain anything you don't understand about reels. Bert knows it all! Come by Saturday and meet the pros...
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