Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Book!
By author
Wayne Hunt

"Dedicated to the memory of California’s Pioneers who came to California in search of gold.  Whether or not they found gold, their desire and courage contributed significantly to California’s land development and to America’s development as a great nation.”

“Zack and his three donkey friends make a journey on a wagon through many historic towns located in California’s Gold Rush country. By touring these towns and their museum, they learn about how gold was discovered, how it was mined, and how people lived during that historic time.  Along their path of discovery, they leave behind friends & communities that in turn learn about the good in others.

This is a fictional book in that the characters and their story are fiction. However, the facts, dates and historical info about the Gold Rush towns are factual, as much as I, the author, am able to determine them.”    - Wayne Hunt

This is a great book for the whole family! We have had fun reading the adventures  of these crazy characters as well as thoroughly enjoyed the historic facts and observations of the author along the way.  Truly fun for the kids to read and adults to discover. Available in Ironstone’s Heritage Museum & Jewelry Shoppe for only $19.99.

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