Friday, January 11, 2013

Shipping your Art...

As many of you start planning on how to get your accepted works to Ironstone, I thought I would pass along some of MY past favorite Art Containers.

The photo above illustrates a basic, reusable, easy to handle solution for shipping your work. This crate is the favorite here at Ironstone based on its ease to open, remove art, repack unsold works and return to sender.  There is no popcorn, which is a nightmare to deal with, nor tightly/massively taped bubble wrap, which has to be cut or almost destroyed to get the artworks safely out of the protective cocoon.

Several of you are already using this packaging, and if I were involved in the judging, you will have earned huge points right from the start. Hmmm, such an idea! 

The photo above is compliments of Fine Art Shipping. A company that has a great blog with wonderful ideas & service.  You can check out their site at the following link.

More later ...

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