Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Meet Artist Andrea Morris, Spring Obsession Theme Division artist

Andrea Morris 

was born in Karlsrhue Germany and spent much of her younger years in Montana and Arizona.  She was exposed to art from an early age as her Mother was an artist and taught painting classes in their home.
She developed a love of wildlife and people and spent much of her time drawing and using pen and ink to capture her subject. It was not until the 1970’s that she started to explore working with color in watercolor.  Working in a local watercolor gallery in Tucson, Arizona she learned about building up her paintings through layers of transparent color.
She experimented in working in oils and acrylics and immediately fell in love with the mediums and has worked almost exclusively in these two.  A new passion for mixed media has begun to be represented in her recent works.
Her main focus of subject still remains wildlife and people and she has been working towards representing her subjects in a colorful and expressive style.
Being self taught she has learned most about her art by painting, experimenting and studying other works of art.  She has made a living of painting murals in many homes in the northern California area and has worked with the Wall Dogs painting large murals in city downtown businesses.  She also has an extensive collection of commissioned work that is in many homes around the world.

She presently resides in Lodi California and teaches classes in her small studio. She continues to paint and show her work in the surrounding areas art venues. 

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