Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Meet Artist Katherine Plumer, Ironstone Spring Obsession accepted artist

O-127  The Lookouts  scrimshaw  9x12 $2500
Artist Statement
Katherine Plumer

First Prize Winner * "The Lookouts"

When you were a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?  For me, the dream of being an artist has been unwavering, blossoming and growing ever since my little hands could use a crayon.  I create art because I can, and because I love it more than anything else, and because of the indescribable joy of the moment when a piece that I created I resonates with someone else, and becomes something that they treasure for the rest of their life.

O-131  Thankful  graphite and charcoal 29x37   $6500
 For most of my life, I have lived in the town of Wilton, California, a rural area south of Sacramento.  I was raised on a farm and have always had a passion for nature and birdwatching.  The animals that surround and inhabit my life have a strong influence on the artwork that I create.  I aim not only to portray my subject matter as realistically and accurately as possible, but also to capture the expression and soul of an animal.

O-128  The First of Spring  color pencil graphite 20x23  $1125
O-130 Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed graphite 12x14 $395

The work you see here represents a few different techniques and media.  Over the years I have explored many ways of creating art, and currently focus on engraving and drawing.  I invite you to visit my website,, or join me on Facebook at

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