Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Meet Artist Barbara Young

Artist’s Statement by Barbara (Barb) Young

O-018 Downtown Waterfront, Napa by Barb Young wc 12x16 $250
 My early days in art were spent trying to copy cartoons from comic books and doing paint-by-number paintings. For several years my drawings were usually sad and/or gloomy. In my last year of high school I won an Art Scholarship to Sacramento City College. There I took the basic classes in art and learned many good principals that have grown and enlarged in my work since. My parents lacked the resources to help pay for further art studies which meant I had to work and an art career did not materialize. Yet, my art continued to grow and expand in quality and a ‘lightness’ overcame the gloom of my very early art. I feel that my art is a God given talent. I have learned some techniques and enhancements for my art from watching others and just by trying something and making mistakes.

O-017 Pink Dogwood by Barb Young wc 9x12 $250
Landscapes and old buildings have been my primary source of inspiration. I like to sketch with ultra-fine Sharpie pens while on location. I have worked in oil, acrylic, and now my medium of choice is watercolor. I try to capture in my drawings and paintings thee memory of a place by setting down textures, feelings, characteristics; the uniqueness and special quality of that place.

O-020 Courtyard Castle di Armosa, Napa by Barb Young wc 9x12 $250
My painting & drawing style is alive with color and realism. Paintings and drawing are a source of joy and fulfillment for me. Each artwork I complete brings me satisfaction and wonder. “I actually did that!”  I have also been commissioned to do some special paintings, paintings with unique problems and challenges but with God’s help, I was able to complete the painting which proved to be a delight to the recipient as well as to myself.

Paintings by BARB

Barbara Young  209-532-3791


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