Sunday, March 19, 2023

Meet 2023 Spring Obsession Artist Michelle Thornburg

T-024 Spring Flowers by Michelle Thornburg acrylic 30x40 $850

 Michelle Thornburg - Artist's Statement

My style of creating artwork is painting from the subconscious. There are no carefully planned sketches, no grids, it is just me and my paint with no expectations of anything but painting. I use my hands to apply the paint directly onto my canvas, no rules, just whatever feels right. The key for me is to let go of the conscious world around me, and just paint, allowing my hands to take the lead. Eventually the painting reveals itself. It's like daydreaming on a canvas.

T-025 Mother Nature by Michelle Thornburg acrylic 36x36 $850

Artist's Biography

Michelle Thornburg is a  California Artist and Art Techer living and working in the Central Valley. She creates dream like paintings from her subconscious using the Surrealist technique of automatism, or automatic painting. Her technique of using mainly her hands to apply acrylic or oil paints to the canvas allow her to connect with her artwork. Her paintings are created by applying paints onto the canvas in various c9olors, patterns, and movements. Her paintings are often reworked and go through many changes before they are completed. These expressive paintings are full of fanciful images and colorful landscapes.

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