Friday, March 17, 2023

Meet 2023 Spring Obsession Artist Stacy Lindsey


O-071 Falling by Stacy Lindsey oil 14x11 $200

Stacy Lindsey is a visual artist that works with collage, acrylics, oils and anything else she can get her hands on. Her work often reflects deep feelings that she’s unable to explain until the work is complete. She uses composition, poses, bold colors and subtle iconography to convey meaning. The piece submitted to this show was created in remembrance of the Atlanta spa shootings in 2021.

When she’s not using art to process her emotions, she’s using it to experiment with materials and colors. Learning new skills is half the fun. She strives to use recycled materials whenever possible. Her closet is filled with old books, magazines, broken jewelry and vintage frames.

Stacy is an early childhood educator and teaches art classes through Tuolumne County Arts and at local schools. She aims to use her skills as an artist and teacher to create connections and build communities. In a world where we are all separated and living individualistic lives, she believes that creativity can bring people together.

Stacy grew up in Tuolumne County and attended Columbia Community College. She graduated with an A.S. in Early Childhood Education and hopes to someday be a therapist where her skills can be put to even greater use.  She lives in Columbia with her two preteen sons, cat and copious house plants.


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