Sunday, March 13, 2022

Meet Collaborating Artists, Holly Johnston and Jeremiah Heath


T-018 dolce_primavera by Holly-Jeremiah Johnston-Heath mm 30x15 $500

        Holly Johnston and Jeremiah Heath are a local artistic couple living in Murphys. They have done many collaborative art projects both visual and musical. Holly has been painting since she was a child and taking watercolor classes with Martha Wallace. Her work a local nursery helped to inspire this series. Jeremiah has been drawing fantasy–adventure pencil and ink for approximately ten years, taking inspiration for this latest series from equal parts Arthur Rackham and Alberto Vargas. Together they have been developing their mixed-media style, Jeremiah drawing the figure with pencil and ink on paper and Holly painting the scenery with acrylic on canvas. Their first series is sci-fi inspired and nearly complete, their second series centers around fantasy flower fairies. “Dolce Primavera” is their second piece in this series. This is their first public presentation of their collaborative art. 


   Holly started doing acrylic paintings around eight years ago, drawing inspiration from the great outdoors. In her art she seeks to capture the awe that she feels in experiencing the pinnacles of natural beauty. Besides painting, Holly also has a passion for the performance arts. She has been in a number of local plays, juggling shows and is excited about she and Jeremiah’s budding musical project “BlackGrass” in which she plays mandolin.

    Jeremiah started drawing approximately ten years ago as an escape from the performing arts, in order to develop something for himself. He slowly realized that visual mediums are also a performing art if you keep showing them to people. The first art book he bought was “How to Draw Dragons”, from there he started drawing Manga inspired by the Greek myths. He is inspired in his art by craggy mountain ranges and lonely landscapes. In this latest series, he is trying to bring out a bit of whimsy in defiance of a merciless world. He also has a diverse artistic background in music and drama, he plays guitar in their musical duo. 

     Holly and Jeremiah hope that their audience enjoys the playful and lighthearted aspect that they seek to share.

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